Exposure Sciences

Exposure assessment and risk characterisation are required by REACH legislation for substances identified as hazardous to human health or the environment.


Exposure assessment modelling involves expertise in several areas, including knowledge of a substance’s physicochemical properties, its fate and behaviour so that the concentrations to which humans and the environment are potentially exposed can be estimated during the substance’s life cycle. To show a substance can be used safely involves working closely with industry to understand how it is is used throughout its life from cradle to grave. This data must then be interpreted and put into context within the regulatory process to provide a robust and rigorous assessment of risk.

Exposure Sciences

The Exposure Team at Penman Consulting can identify your substance’s uses during its life cycle, from manufacture, through industrial, professional, and consumer uses, to final article service life. Once the uses of a substance are identified we generate exposure scenarios and refine the operational conditions and risk management measures using the industrial hygiene hierarchy of control. Safe use of the substance is demonstrated by using exposure modelling tools such as the ECETOC TRA embedded in ECHA’s Chesar tool and, if necessary, higher-tier tools such as EGRET, ConsExpo, or ART.

For environmental exposure modelling we use the Chesar-embedded EUSES model for mono-constituents and reaction masses, and PetroRisk for UVCBs. If safe use cannot be demonstrated with these tools, we can prepare bespoke exposure monitoring strategies to obtain data that are more accurately and realistically related to the daily use of products containing the substance of interest.

Data Gathering

In addition to our standard uses survey, embedded in Active Steward, we can develop company-specific surveys to suit your requirements. The surveys built into Active Steward are designed to streamline the process of exposure and uses data gathering and provide efficient data reporting along the supply chain. This approach has been instrumental in complying with ECHA’s Assessment of Regulatory Needs.

Our exposure scientists provide support to numerous industry consortia and other organisations. The level of support we can provide industrial clients includes exposure assessment, compiling use maps, and developing exposure monitoring strategies. Members of Penman’s exposure team are actively involved in testing ECHA’s exposure assessment platform (Chesar) and provide technical support for the EGRET model. We also deliver exposure assessment training to our clients when this is required.

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