
Plant Protection Products and IUCLID

There is currently a growing global interest in IUCLID, with other regulatory bodies considering it an effective tool for common data exchange. IUCLID is now being introduced as a new IT tool to handle Plant Protection Products (PPP) dossiers. This is to fulfil the requirements of the new Transparency Regulation (EC No. 2019/1381) which was published in the Official Journal on 6 September 2019 and will become applicable on 27 March 2021. This decision has been based on the successful pilot project for dossier preparation commissioned by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) very recently.

IUCLID has been used successfully for REACH, CLP, and BPR dossiers in the EU for the last 10 years, with a primary focus on the exchange of common data. At Penman Consulting, we have significant experience in IUCLID having completed over 1000 IUCLID REACh dossiers during this period.

The next update to IUCLID will incorporate the changes required to meet the new regulatory needs for Plant Protection Products (PPP) dossiers and the updates for the other regulatory uses.

Jason Manton and Claire Elliott have significant experience working with the EC No. 1107/2009 plant protection product regulation and with IUCLID. If you have any questions about the PPP work we can do, please get in touch!