
ISO27001 Certification

I am pleased to announce that Penman Consulting and Active Steward have been awarded ISO27001 for our ISMS (information security management system). Specific praise must be given to Marsh Penman for leading this task, supported by Matthew Lowy, Borja Serrano López and Michelle Manton.

Client confidentiality and the protection of their data are primary concerns for the senior management team at Penman Consulting. On joining the business in 2019 I made it one of my initial goals; to have achieved it within 1 year is due to the dedication that Marsh gave to the task.

Receiving the standard emphasises the approach taken by all the Penman Consulting team in maintaining the security of the data we hold. However, we fully acknowledge that gaining accreditation does not mean security only needs to be assessed during an annual audit, it requires all of our team taking a structured and vigilant approach to data security every minute of every day. Marsh and his team have put the systems in place, but it is down to all of our employees and associates to maintain that vigilance, especially as threats are becoming more sophisticated by the day.

This is yet another achievement the team should all be proud of!

Tim Kilpatrick
General Manager