Did you know that important messages from ECHA come through to REACH-IT? ECHA can also give short timelines…
We are pleased to announce a new paper from Claire Elliott, Senior Toxicologist, published in…
There are now only 86 days remaining to Grandfather substances under UK-REACH. We have already…
Interested in how the EU and the UK regulatory framework will change for substances and…
We are pleased to announce a new paper from Dr. An Van Rompay, Senior Toxicologist…
On the 1st January 2021 UK-REACH will come into force, resulting in EU-REACH registrations no…
There is currently a growing global interest in IUCLID, with other regulatory bodies considering it…
We are proud to announce a new paper from Senior Toxicologist Claire Elliot! A small…
At Penman Consulting, we support the use of New Approach Methods (NAMs) for Chemical Safety…
Once an IUCLID dossier has been completed, the final step is for the registrant to…
What Does a “Dossier Update” Really Mean? The European Commission is set to approve new…